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2024/2025 Supply List




Newton Elementary

Teacher of the Year

(2023-2024) is….

Renee Haltom

Renee Haltom



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                                            Newton Elementary Super Star Students

                                                                                                          Click on each of the links below

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Image result for transportation changes clipart


See the source imageATTENTION PARENTS:See the source image


We need your help in making sure all of our students get home safely. If your child will be taking a different transportation home, you must send a note on a full sheet of paper. We will not accept transportation changes over the phone. This is for the best interest of our students. Last minute changes are confusing and could result in the child not getting to the desired destination. If you have an emergency and must make a change, the office staff will transfer you to the principal or assistant principal. On the note that you send requesting a transportation change, you must have the required information:

 * Student’s first and last name

 * Grade Level

 * Parent’s first and last name

 * Include the physical address and person’s full name of where the child is going

 * A phone number where you can be reached if there is a problem

We will continue to work for all of the students at Newton Elementary. Thank you for all that you do for Newton Elementary. 



Image result for  purple eagles clipartNewton Elementary SchoolImage result for  purple eagles clipart

                                416 East St.                                   

                               Newton, TX 75966                             

409-420-6600 phone  409-379-2801 fax

Jenie Walker, Principal        Maya Issac, Assistant Principal


Amanda Moss, Counselor

Destiny Gatson, Nurse

Kristi Smith, Secretary

Mary Kenebrew, Attendance/PEIMS Clerk

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